Several small groups at St. Thomas meet around dinner. We find that food, faith, and fellowship often come together. These groups are also a good way to meet people in the church.
Some of our Small Groups also meet over dinner, and spend time in prayer, Bible study, and outreach. Current small groups at St Thomas include:
Agape Groups
We have several “Agape Groups,” which are opportunities for fellowship together, and often become a meaningful part of parish life for those who join them. Agape Groups meet and support one another in prayer and conversation over a long period of time.
Dinner Groups
We also have a tradition of forming dinner groups who can meet over the course of a year at one another’s homes in order to get to know new people in the church. To learn whether these groups are currently forming or meeting, please feel free to ask one of our clergy or be in touch through the parish office at 913-451-0512.