St. Thomas is blessed to have a team of eleven Eucharistic Visitors who take the Eucharist out from the weekly services to those who cannot attend on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Visitors typically serve once a month, or work together to cover times of high need, illness, or hospitalization.
This ministry has allowed us to live into our commitment that “We who are many are one body, because we all share one bread, one cup.” Eucharistic Visitors take this bread and cup out to those who are part of our one body but are unable to attend our service. This includes those who have had recent injuries or lasting illness, and has also served several times in the last few months as an opportunity to welcome new members who have asked to reconnect with an Episcopal worshipping community as they participate in rehab or other services and their chaplains contact St. Thomas. These uncommon opportunities mean that Eucharistic Visitors have also served as ambassadors of the hospitality of St. Thomas, and are sometimes the first parishioners newcomers meet, serving them at difficult times in their life and making known the love that Christ models for us.
If you are interested in becoming trained as a Eucharistic Visitor, please contact the parish office at 913-451-0512.