Small groups are a wonderful way to connect with people in the St. Thomas community and to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. We have several small groups that focus on particular interests and hobbies. These groups gather for fellowship, prayer, and study. Please contact The Rev. Kelly Demo if you would like to join a small group or if you would like to start a small group around your own passions and hobbies.
Most small groups are meeting in person again but some remain on online Zoom meetings. If you are interested in joining a small group please contact The Rev. Kelly Demo at . All are welcome!
Young Adults
So many transitions in life happen post-high school! College, job, marriage! Join this group of young adults for support and friendship and see where God is leading you in your life.
Contemplative Prayer
This group meets to delve deeper into different forms of prayer and meditation.
Faith Club
Small groups of Episcopalians, Jews and Muslims gather to discuss their faith and build friendships.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group meets at the parish and knits prayer shawls together. These shawls are blessed during special services at St. Thomas, and they are given to those who are ill or have lost a loved one.
Classics Men’s Group
This group is open to retired and semi-retired men, and meets at the parish for monthly conversation and Bible Study. Conversations range over many topics.
This group is interested in exploring the Scripture and the World around them.
Online “Way of Love” for Everyone
Open to everyone but will meet online (a special welcome to those who don’t live in KC!)