Every Summer, the St. Thomas community welcomes close to 150 children from Overland Park and surrounding communities to our slate of enriching summer camps. Through our five summer camp opportunities we seek to share the love of Christ and encourage children and youth to embrace their call as God’s people to love and serve one another through outreach, bible learning, the arts and more!
Scroll below to find the 2024 Summer Camp experiences that are right for your child or youth!
Episcopal Diocese of Kansas MEGA CAMP: June 2-8, 2024
This *sleep away* summer camp is for children entering 4th Grades through their Freshman year of college and takes place at Camp Wood YMCA in the beautiful Kansas Flint Hills near Elmdale, Kansas. MEGA CAMP is THREE camps in ONE, with an Elementary Camp (4th-6th grades); a Junior High Camp (7th-9th grades) and a High School Camp (10th grade through incoming College Freshman) with each camp occupying it’s own space on the sprawling Camp Wood Grounds, and conducting its own developmentally appropriate programming and worship activities.
For more information, click here: Camp – Episcopal Diocese of Kansas Formation (wordpress.com)
Click here to register: EDOK Youth, Young Adult & Campus Ministry (ultracamp.com)https://www.ultracamp.com/info/upcomingSessions.aspx?idCamp=986&campCode=1sC

“Reaching Out to the Community” (R.O.T.C.) Day Camps
For 15+ years, St. Thomas has offered our children and youth, and the children and youth of the surrounding community the opportunity to engage with people throughout the Kansas City area and beyond through acts of service and mercy in an effort to promote understanding and awareness of the needs of others and our call to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our R.O.T.C. Day Camps are held 3 weeks of the summer by age groups (Elementary, Middle School, and High School). Elementary and Middle School students join us from 9AM to 4PM for one week for days filled with service and fun-filled fellowship time. Favorite serve sites include Starfish Project, KC Pet Project, Cross Lines KCK, Giving the Basics, Harvesters, Scraps KC, The Sewing Project, and more. In the afternoons, we enjoy time together in fellowship and fun at locations such as Tomahawk Ridge Pool, Skate City, Bowlero College Lanes, Pump It Up and Dave and Busters!
Our High Schoolers spend one week (including overnights) preparing, planning and executing a “mobile” Vacation Bible Camp with our partner parish St. Johns Episcopal Church of Parsons, Kansas while learning about the importance of mentoring, spiritual guidance and issues related to rural poverty.
MIDDLE SCHOOL “R.O.T.C.” June 10-14 (9AM to 4PM) for incoming 6th-9th Graders- CLICK HERE
HIGH SCHOOL “R.O.T.C.” June 17-21 (Overnights*) for incoming 9th grade through College Freshmen – CLICK HERE
ELEMENTARY “R.O.T.C.” July 22-26 (9AM to 4PM) for incoming 3rd-6th Graders – CLICK HERE

Vacation Bible Camp 2024!
Get ready for evenings filled with bible stories, music, crafts, games, FOOD and fun! Each year, we gather with our children and families to explore classic bible stories and enjoy time together!
VBC 2024 will be held Sunday, June 23 – Thursday, June 27 from 5-8PM culminating with our “Family Night” worship, picnic and party on the lawn! Dinner is served nightly for all participants and volunteers and nursery care is available for younger children.
MORE INFO TO COME ON OUR VBC THEME IN THE EARLY SPRING! Until then, please contact Barbara McCall, Director of Children and Families, at for more information!
CLICK HERE to register!

Youth Mission Trip to CHICAGO! – July 7-13, 2024
Incoming 6th graders through college freshman are invited to participate in our week of service and social justice learning in Chicago, Illinois. For more information on this year’s Mission Trip plans, please contact Rev. Kelly Demo, Director of Youth at
CLICK HERE to register!
If you are interested in making a monetary donation to the Mission Trip Fund, CLICK HERE!

ARTS CAMP 2023: July 29-August 2 from 9AM to 3PM
Incoming 1st through 6 graders are invited to join us from 9AM to 3PM for classes taught by local experts in the field of visual and culinary arts, dance, drama and music, all working up to the presentation of a musical showcase at the conclusion of camp on Friday afternoon at 3PM for our families & the St. Thomas Community!
For more information on this year’s Arts Camp program, please contact Julieanne Stapleton, Director of Music, at
CLICK HERE to register!