SUNDAY, September 6 @ 4-5pm
All Students & Teachers welcome!
St. Thomas Parking Lot
COME ON BY our Back 2 School Blessing Parade and Fall Kickoff Event! Coming in through the parking lot entrance on 123rd St, signs will guide you through various stations to support you on your learning and faith journeys this fall! Station Stops on our parking lot parade route will include the “Back 2 School Blessing” with a member of our clergy, a Christian Education Pick Up station where you can pick up tools for your young people to use during Sunday Christian Education events, a Prayerbook/Hymnal pick up station for anyone who would like to borrow one of these resources for your home, and a Yard Sign station where you can purchase a sign of encouragement to place in your yard at home. You will leave via the northbound Antioch Rd. exit.
**From Mtr. Kelly: Families with a student in our Youth Group may wish to come in the later portion of that hour (4:45 or after) so that you can drop off your youth by the West Entrance (facing Antioch Rd.) for our outdoor Youth Group Kickoff event immediately following the parade.**