The structural steel for the Parish Hall is almost completed. This work will be followed by structural metal studs and sheathing for the exterior walls. Framing for the windows and doors will be done as the metal studs are installed. Exterior brickwork will commence once the structural studs and sheathing are in place.
The parking lot should be paved the week of October 8th.
Work will continue on the walls and roof of the Sacristy during the next few weeks.
On October 8 the ceilings in the Kitchen and Narthex will be removed to make room for the new heating and air conditioning ductwork. The overhead lights will remain functional and we will be able to use the Narthex. The kitchen will be closed on October 29th. The walls and floor tile in the Kitchen and Narthex will then be removed. Temporary plastic partitions will be installed which will allow us to continue with our regular church services.
The kitchen cabinets will be coming out end of month. If you are interested or know of someone who might be, they will need to be removed by October 26. A donation to the church is requested. Call Weldon Fate 402-6855 or Linda Manuel 438-7407.