Roofing on the high roof of the Parish Hall is planned for next week. The low roof and Sacristy roof will follow shortly.
Most of the final grading will start next week for the exterior parking lot lights. The concrete bases and the light poles will be installed later.
The architect has approved the waterproofing installed on the mock-up and the contractor will begin waterproofing on the walls of the Parish Hall. When waterproofing is complete, masonry can start.
When the roof is complete, ductwork and electrical conduit will be installed below the metal deck.
The noisy part of the schedule will take place in the Narthex when the plumber saws the slab to provide a ditch for the drain lines. The slab will then be repaired.
The contractor has installed a temporary door from the Narthex to the offices in an effort to reduce dust and noise.
Weldon Fate
Building Chairman