The latest snow storms have prevented the Contractor from completing the sidewalks and curbs. As soon as the snow melts, they will finish the remaining walks and curbs.
The Junior Warden has been getting bids from Landscape Contractors to install our site watering system. This work will be done later in the spring in conjunction with the sodding, seeding and landscaping. As soon as the weather clears the site will be cleaned up and graded ready for sod and seed.
The Drywall Contractor will finish the sheet rock work in the Parish Hall this week and will begin taping the Parish Hall and Narthex. They are presently taping in the Sacristry and will finish that work this week. This will allow the painting and acoustical ceiling work to start.
The tapers will start working in the Parish Hall this week and should be finished in about one week
The tile installers will finish the kitchen floor this week. The windows in the Narthex will be completed as the weather allows.
Everything is starting to come together.
Weldon Fate – Building Chairman