As Fall begins and Summer Ends… make time to celebrate with all your St. Thomas Friends!
Join us for the Annual St. Thomas HAYRIDE & HOT DOG ROAST at Sharp’s Farm in Bucyrus, KS. Sunday, November 11 from 5 to 8 pm.
Sign up online (Hayride) to join us for this year’s hayride & hot dog roast! We’ll enjoy food, fellowship and fun from 5-8pm with our hayride scheduled at 6:30. Cost is $8 or $30 per family of 4 or more, and can be given to Barbara McCall by cash or check (payable to St. Thomas Church) or by credit card at the event. Bring a friend!
*Hot Dogs and ingredients for S’mores will be provided. Please feel free to bring along a simple side to share!
St. Thomas Annual
Sunday, November 3, 5-8pm
Cost $8/person
Hot Dogs & S’more Fixins provided; feel free to bring chips/salad/sides to share. Sign up with the link provided in your weekly Email Update or on the display board in the Narthex. **Signing up ahead of time helps us to know if we can offer TWO hayride times (which means an earlier option for those who wish to get home earlier in the evening).**