As we near completion of the Parish Hall, my reports will be shorter.

The Heating, Air Conditioning, and Plumbing Contractors have almost completed their work. The Electrician has minor work areas to complete.
The Excavating Contractor has spread topsoil and the landscaping work will start this week or next, depending on the weather. The Irrigation Contractor will work along with the Landscaper to insure that all new plants and grasses will be properly watered. The Landscape Architect with Gould Evans has met with both contractors and established ground rules for the quality of the landscaping and planting.
Watering of the new plants and grass will be the responsibility of the contractors for ninety days.
The work in the kitchen is basically complete. All equipment has been installed with the exception of the dishwasher and diswasher table. They will be installed shortly. The Sacristy is basically complete.
The restrooms are finished.

All doors and hardware have been installed. The contractor is installing the wood paneling in the Parish Hall and this should take another week. The ceiling contractor is installing the ceiling tile in the Parish Hall. All other ceilings are complete. Painting has been completed with the exception of minor touchup.
We are still waiting for the new brick to be delivered. We new brick should be delivered this week. The bronze paneling and trim on the exterior should be delivered next week. The metal paneling on the roof screen will be with that shipment.
The resurfacing and stripping of the parking lot will be one of the last things to be completed.
Weldon L. Fate, Building Chairman