The Masonry Contractor has completed the brickwork on the North side of the Parish Hall and is presently working on the high wall of the building on the West side. They will move to the Sacristy next as the Sacristy is on the North side of the church and it will need to be completed before the cold weather arrives. They will then return to the Parish hall to complete the brickwork.
The roofs on the Parish Hall and Kitchen are complete except for gravel which will be applied this week. The roof on the Sacristy will be completed in the near future.
Sheetrock is being applied in the mechanical and electrical rooms so that the electrical panels can be installed and permanent power can be turned on. The hot water heater that supplies the entire church will also be installed. Ductwork is being installed in the Parish Hall.
Sidewalks along 123rd Street will be completed this week and we can remove all the warning signs. The City Inspector discovered that the existing sidewalks sloped at a greater degree than the building code allows. Therefore we were required to replace them. The trash enclosure concrete pad will be placed as will the steel gate posts at the enclosure.
Temporary plastic windows and temporary doors will be installed in the Parish Hall and Kitchen so that the contractor can provide temporary heat for the interior work.
The building is starting to look very good.
More later—Weldon L. Fate, Building Chairman