Welcome! St. Thomas the Apostle is a community of Christians in Overland Park who have committed to the mission: “Come, Grow, Serve, Make a Difference.” We value the fellowship of knowing one another and the strong outreach that our parish offers, giving us plenty of chances to live out that mission statement! Our church has good music, strong preaching, energetic leadership, and welcoming people. We value hospitality, families and youth, outreach, and community. We have many Bible studies and special programs.
Our church is committed to not only hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but living into it together as a community, and welcoming others into that.
You are also welcome to check out our parish Facebook page: St. Thomas Overland Park on Facebook.
Please feel free to “click around” the website to learn a bit more about us, or call the parish office at 913-451-0512 to set up a time to come chat with our clergy. All are welcome!
Join us for Worship Services! Online Worship Links
We are doing worship services in person and Online.
Saturdays at 5:30pm with Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary and Live-Streamed Online
Sunday at 8:45 and 11:00am with Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary and Live-Streamed Online.
Nursery care will be available on Sunday for children ages 6 months thru 4 yrs from 8:15am-12:30pm.
Here is where to access the live stream and past videos:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stthomasop/
You can follow the link and do not need an account.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/stthomasop/
You can just follow the link- no subscription necessary.