We hope all of you can join us at one (or more) of our Christmas services as we celebrate Christ’s birth!
Christmas Eve
4:00 pm – Parking Lot Church with Spoken Children’s Pageant
5:30 pm – Online Service with recorded Children’s Pageant (don’t miss it!) Prelude music will start 10-15 minutes before service begins.
7:00 pm – Parking Lot Church – prelude music starts 10-15 minutes before service.
8:00 pm – Online Service (the Children’s Pageant will shown at the end)
Christmas Day
10:00 am – Online Service
Those wishing to attend a service in the parking lot will need to sign up using the following link: https://reopen.church/r/e2dW8tj0
Online services: You can watch LIVE services by going to https://stthomasop.org/livestream/ Services will be available to watch anytime after that on both YouTube and Facebook. www.youtube.com/c/stthomasop and facebook.com/stthomasop
You can access bulletins on our home page: http://www.stthomasop.org